Hello. My name is Quinn and I am a YA fantasy writer. As of this post in 2024, I am 28 years old.

I am a pathological daydreamer with ADHD who is incapable of writing anything other than fantasy because reality bores me so much. 

The story goes that I generally got horrible grades in grade school, partly because I am terrible at math, and partly because my imagination is so wild that I even got horrible grades in English sometimes, because I was so bored. A similar situation happened in college, where, ironically, I studied behavioral science, and then developed mental illness too severe for me to continue higher education. 

After leaving college, I returned home to my minimum-wage grocery job in a quarter-life crisis, clueless about what to do with my life. I was still depressed and lacking direction for several years, until I received the Harry Potter series- which I had never read until then- for Christmas in 2020 (I'm late to the party, I know). Needless to say, that's what I read during Covid quarantines. And as soon as I finished it, I became determined to be a fantasy writer. I had always known I could write, but didn't know what to write about until then. Harry Potter taught me how to combine my real-life experiences with the ludicrous fantasies of my wild imagination in order to create meaningful, metaphorical stories. And that is what I resolve to do.  

I am still working my manual-labor grocery job for income. In addition to writing books on the side, I also enjoy drawing and playing guitar. 

I would love to post a photo of myself at some point to help people get to know me on this site, but am currently reluctant to do so because I constantly get misgendered (it's not easy being a non-binary person). If I ever reach a point where I don't seem to get misgendered anymore, or at least seem to get misgendered less often, then I'll likely update the site with a photo. 

Pronouns: he/him or they/them

Midnight Rider

Rikki is generally content with his life and the world in which he lives. That is until the day a mysterious big cat emerges from living underground and reveals the hideous truth about Rikki’s society. While Rikki trains his fire-breathing horse for a community event, the confused teenager must navigate a dark path of twisting and evolving...

Other Writing

What did you read growing up?

As a teenager, I liked Naruto, Warrior Cats, and Guardians of Ga’ Hoole. When I was little, I read Magic Tree House. I am also a longtime fan of His Dark Materials.

How old were you when you when you decided to be a writer?

Around 24.

Why do there always seem to be lions and/or tigers in your stories?

Because I like them. If I’m not writing about something I’m passionate about, I’ll get bored and stop writing. So I always have to add things I really love to keep...

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